Seven steps to better forecasting

Seven steps to better forecasting Business leaders make judgement calls every day. Philip Tetlock says there are ways to improve the chances of getting them right. Below are the seven steps to better forecasting. Break seemingly intractable problems into tractable sub-problems.Superforecasters split problems into knowable and unknowable parts. They flush ignorance into the open. “Expose […]

MYOB Incite 2016

This morning some of our team members went to the Sydney Luna Park for the MYOB INCITE 2016. What we learned from the MYOB Roadshow today is that how the MYOB solutions will define what we do in business tomorrow. The topics include; When accounting is more that just punching the numbers Solving a cash […]

MYOB Dragged Bookkeeping into The Modern, Computerised Era

MYOB Dragged Bookkeeping into The Modern, Computerised Era ‘Relentless innovation’ Acuity (February 2016): 23-26. Print MYOB have published an article in Acuity Magazine outlaying their future strategy. There are of the opinion that R & D is essential and they will be part of Innovation and are spending 13-16% of their annual revenue on R & […]

Superannuation Strategies 2016

Thomson Reuters in their recent newsletter have published a checklist regarding superannuation strategies for 2016 financial year. We believe it provides a very useful reference tool for the coming year. The new calendar year is a good time to conduct a superannuation health check and set some new goals to help boost superannuation savings. Although there […]


            With only two quarters left until SuperStream becomes mandatory, employers are being urged to cross SuperStream off their ‘to-do’ list ahead of the 30 June 2016 deadline. It takes a little time to set up, but over a quarter of a million employers who have made the change are already enjoying […]